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Thai Massage By Suwanna
Ground floor
Shop 1 914 David low Way Marcoola, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
0411 183 841
Massage Styles
The choice of massage style (as below) and intensity (firm, medium or soft) is purely at my customers choice, though I am happy to advise based on personal circumstances. Certain massage styles will require you to remove some clothing, but I use special sheets and towels to make you as comfortable as possible.
All massage techniques used by Suwanna can assist with:
Releasing tense muscles;
Increasing flexibility;
Improving joint movement;
Inducing deep relaxation;
Assisting postural alignment; and
Calming the mind.
Receiving a massage is a very personal experience, and benefits different people in different ways. I am not a medical expert and so do not make or offer specific or generalised claims of the medical benefits associated with receiving a massage but I do believe that the potenial benefits of a properly given massage can be very practical and real, as supported by the many unsolicitored positive comments offered by my customers.
Prices - All Style Massages
30 mins $55
60 mins $100
90 mins $150
2 hr $200
Remedial Massage w Healthfund rebates
30 mins $70 60 mins $110 45 mins $90 90 mins $165
~ Healthfund rebates available by HICAPS ~
Your choice of Styles
Couples massage is available across all these massage styles, for family members or friends who want to enjoy their massage experience together.